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How To Fix Solar Lights
Are you having problems with your new solar lights? This article will help you. Although solar lights can withstand the changing weather, many users find that they can be damaged or get into trouble. However, this doesn’t mean that the functionality of light completely has been completely lost.
We’ve listed the main reasons why your solar lights suddenly stopped functioning and some tips on how to get them working again.
What is the reason? Solar Lights Stop Working
Solar lighting is known as being durable by design. They are used outdoors under an element of strength to withstand a variety of weather conditions. This is why, in the present, they are quickly becoming a substitute for lighting in homes, offices, and even in automobiles!
Contrary to other lighting sources, solar lights are very advantageous. They’re cost-effective and don’t impact the environment. They are an incredible source of energy. But what is the reason they aren’t functioning?
These could be some of the causes:
They’re Not Receiving Enough Sunlight

If you set your solar lamps in shade or a shaded area, the likelihood of them functioning is low since they don’t get enough sunlight. Although you don’t have to position solar lamps in the direct sunlight for them to function they do require a sufficient amount of light to fully charge.
Every morning the sun rises in the east, then sets in the west for most of the day. Now it all makes sense, facing your solar panels to the west will make sure that your solar lights are getting the most possible amount of direct sunlight during the day.
Solar lights for outdoor use generally recharge their batteries in the six hours of enough sunlight each day, contingent on solar intensity, the kind of solar panel, and the battery. But, if your home or trees are encircling the solar panels during the dark, particularly in the late afternoon, they may not receive enough sunlight and may not stay on throughout the night.
The battery life

Most people do not realize the solar light’s rechargeable battery has a lifespan of just 1,000 charges (roughly three years). At this time, your battery’s charge capacity gradually diminishes until they are completely faulty.
Most of the time the solar-powered light bulbs will go out are triggered when a battery has died are, therefore you should check them out to see if they’re damaged or are too old. Although there are batteries that last for a long time such as Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries (NiMH), they are also less efficient with time.
Batteries that have been worn out might begin to lose their elasticity and leak acid which could lead to irreparable damage to electrical components. The batteries will not keep up with the charge required for solar lamps to be lit and, even if they could be kept for a long time, they won’t last as long. If dead batteries are the cause for your solar light not functioning, you must replace the batteries.
Solar Lights Have A Faulty Sensor

Sensors react to darkness, which allows the sun’s light to go completely off in the daylight, and come off in the evening. This won’t be the case with a poorly functioning sensor unless you can do it manually, bypassing the solar light sensor. You likely don’t have the time.
When the light is not functioning properly, due to a malfunctioning solar light sensor, it can’t distinguish between night and day. But how can you determine if the source of your solar lights not functioning? You can test it during dark hours using a cover on the sensor, either with your hands or a cloth. If it is lit it’s working well. However, it won’t display any light if the sensor is not functioning properly.
The Solar Panels Are Covered in Dirt

We have previously mentioned that insufficient sunlight might be the reason the solar light bulbs aren’t functioning, but dirty solar panels can also cause problems. Dust or dirt on the remote solar panel blocks the panel from taking in sunlight and any sunlight that does get into the panels may not be charged by the batteries correctly.
The dust can grow so thick that no sunlight can reach the panels and, as a consequence, the batteries will not be charged in any way. Before you think that your batteries have died, check that they are free of dust and that sunlight can traverse through. When the panel is covered with fallen leaves from trees this panel, will be removed since it completely stops sunlight radiation.
Water Buildup In The Panels

Although solar light bulbs are weather and water-resistant sometimes water or residue can build up inside the panel, which can damage the internal wiring and circuitry. To make sure you’re sure that your solar panel’s filled with water, disconnect the head of the solar panel from your wall or the post or pier mount and test it.
Are you wondering how water can leak into the panels? If you’ve been using the solar light for a long period, then the sealing is likely to wear out, getting less effective and this is how water enters the panel.
Switch Your Solar Light From Other Light Sources
Do you have a second artificial light that is next to that solar bulb? That could be the source of the problem. Change the lamp to a different location and see what happens. The lamp should be in a place that receives adequate sunlight during the daytime and without interference from another lighting during the night.
How to Fix Solar Lights That Will Not Turn On

If you had solar light fixtures that were new, they were an excellent idea. Installation was easy and you could easily move them around the garden because they’re not connected to an electrical wire. But, you may not experience the same feeling when you begin to experience some minor issues during the process. They’re likely to be less than reliable, but the great part is that there’s an answer to the most significant issue that the solar lights of your home have caused.
Now that you are aware of the probable cause for your solar lights not functioning, Let’s look at the ways to fix them so that they will be able to work and again.
Install The Solar Lights So They’ll Get Plenty Of Sunlight
Your solar panels are not able to be able to absorb sufficient sunlight to charge batteries if they’re located in a shaded location. It is necessary to move them to a location where they will receive direct sunlight for a few hours. If there’s an overgrowth of bush or grass surrounding this solar fixture, you could opt for cutting it back. Make sure you leave plenty of space for shadows. This way you will ensure that the solar lights receive enough direct sunlight for the batteries to be fully charged.
Dead Batteries

How Do You Know The Battery Of Your Solar Light Is Degrading?
You can detect if there is an abrupt decrease in your solar lamp’s duration. For example, it was the very first time that you operated the solar light, it used to run for 10 hours, but now solar lights work for 5 hours, even on a beautiful sunny day.
This is a sign that the batteries you have are losing the capacity for charging. If your solar lights not working or aren’t functioning the way they did in the past and the various strategies didn’t work you’ll likely need to replace your batteries.
Below are a few suggestions and tricks to aid you in fixing solar lights batteries.
Do You Have The Ability To Use The Deep Charge Technique?
Sometimes, your batteries aren’t charged enough to provide power to the lamp. So, the 72-hour charging method could be worth a shot. This method is trying to assist your batteries to get to the point of full charge by turning off the solar lights and allowing the solar panel to fully recharge your battery.
All you have been doing is
- Turn off your solar lights
- Set it in a sunny place
- Give it a few days
- Try your solar lights
NOTE: We recommend you to repeat this process more frequently even if your solar lights are good. This technique allows your lighting to reach fully charged that will greatly increase the battery's lifespan.
Replace The Batteries
Test your solar lighting with a regular battery (same as the voltage). If the light is working then the issue is that your batteries won’t be able to keep the charge (faulty) or your solar panel is defective hopefully not.
You can also test rechargeable batteries by putting them with any device powered by batteries if it is appropriate, such as your wristwatch or a watch. In the meantime, it’s time to change your batteries, and then see what happens.

Notification: You have to make sure that your rechargeable batteries have the exact size and voltage that the older ones did.
Fix Your Solar Lights Sensor
If you want to fix your sensor, the first thing to do is cleanse it thoroughly and then try it out once more. Disassemble your solar lights and scrub the sensor clean by rubbing it with a damp cloth with no chemicals. If you’re struggling with hard-to-remove debris then make use of a specific cleaning spray for electronics.
Before reassembling the light, ensure to completely dry your light since any moisture could harm the electronics within the light. Following the cleaning process and assembly of the light is now time for conducting tests.
Simply cover the sensor with your hands. If the light turns on, then congrats! You have fixed the problem with your sensor. If not, your sensor is defective and you should replace it.
Check Your Solar Panel Cables
Certain solar lamps have an external solar panel that’s detached from the lamp and are connected via cables or two. If the cables that connect the panel’s solar cells and batteries aren’t properly connected, the panel will be unable for charging the batteries, which will result in a poor lighting show.
You may believe I’m creating this up Wildlife can be quite annoying. Hungry squirrels could treat themselves to a tasty snack on a wire that you have from your solar lights.
Do not worry, unlike normal lighting, solar-powered lights are safe in that the shock will not cause any harm to hungry squirrels.

Repair The Damaged Wire For Solar Lights
There’s nothing that quality electrical tape cannot solve. But, there are times when the damage isn’t repairable and the entire wire will need replacing. For more details about how to repair your solar light wiring read this informative piece about how to repair broken wires of solar light
If you’re not equipped with the technical expertise or the tools, or the time, you should contact the manufacturer and take advantage of your warranty.
Everyday, clean the Solar Panels

After installing solar lighting it is essential to ensure that the panels are clear of dirt as they can become dirty over time. The accumulation of dust or other debris on the panels will slow down the time for lighting and also the charging process. this is why it’s a good idea to clean them every now before. You can do it with a hose and soapy water to clean them, which is the most efficient method. A clean solar panel provides the batteries with sufficient sunlight. Additionally that your home will be more appealing.
Check To See If There’s water inside the Solar Lamp
While outdoor solar lights are designed to withstand rain and water, however, they may be overwhelmed, particularly when heavy rains are heavy, and then solar lights stop working. When the light has been flooded with water, take it apart when needed, and then dry the entire accessory and pay close attention to the light sensor. After you’ve done this then carefully reconnect it and then test the solar light in a dark space to see if it does perform. If it works, it means that water is the reason for the issue.
Nearby Light Sources at Night

As previously mentioned solar light bulbs have sensors that sense light. This is the element responsible for automatically turning on the solar lights at night. If these sensors find (sense) the absence of light, they issue an order for the bulb to turn on.
This is where the issue lies, having light sources in the vicinity in the night can fool sensors, making them believe that we’re still in the morning. This means that the sensors won’t permit the solar lights to function, so your solar light bulbs won’t operate.
Change Your Lux Sensor’s Sensitivity

Its Lux sensor is a second photocell that decides how dark it needs to be outside before activating the light.
This is a great option especially if there are additional sources of illumination, such as neighboring lamps, which can trick your solar lights into thinking that it’s not daytime that will stop the solar lights from functioning.
How Do I Adjust The The Solar Light Sensors?
The Lux sensor will show an image of the sun and moon.
- Sun: Turning your knob to the sun’s picture indicates that your lights should be working when the sun is brighter outside.
- Moon: Turning on the dial towards the moon’s image means your light will function even if it’s dark outside.
The only thing you have to do is adjust the sensitivity by completely moving the knob towards the moon’s image, and then slowly turning it towards the sun image until the solar light starts working.
NOTE: It's important to carefully adjust the sensitivity as when you adjust the knob to the sun's image, the light could start to work at 5 pm and will drain your batteries.
Eliminate The Competition
Be sure to exclude other sources of light, such as street lights, neighbors’ lights, or any other solar bulbs surrounding the solar light. Furthermore, you can remove the solar panels from the light source and you’ll be fine.
The LEDs You Have Are Faulty
It’s highly unlikely, given that LEDs typically have long longevity and can last up to 100,000 minutes (6 years) but it’s worth conducting a test.
Fix Your Solar Lights’ LEDs
Like all LEDs, you have to test the older LEDs before you replace them. If they’re not working or not working, buying new LEDs may be a smart idea.
Your Last Resort
Different brands have distinct designs, and it’s impossible to go through all brands of solar lighting and their uses unless you are looking to read an article of 50,000 words.
So, if none of the above suggestions be working, you must get in touch with your manufacturer and ask for assistance or utilize your “warranty card”.
Final Thoughts

Solar lights are environment-friendly, cost-effective, and a great way to light up your backyard or garden. However, a few causes can make them stop functioning, such as low-quality batteries or dirty solar panels.
This article provides excellent details about the way solar lights function We’re certain you’ll appreciate it. If yours isn’t functioning then you know what led to the issue and how to solve it.

If your light from your solar panel is blinking it could be for one of the following possible causes:
The wire that connects your battery to the LEDs is in a loose state.
Your lights are in flashing mode.
The battery isn’t able to hold enough power (almost empty)
If the solar lights in your home are on in the daylight, this does not mean that the light sensor is damaged. Do not worry, this issue is quite simple to repair. All you have to do is take apart your light, clean the sensor thoroughly, then reassemble it and try it again.
If it’s not fixed and you want to fix it, replace the sensor you had with a new one. Then the solar-powered light will function perfectly.
The most inexpensive solar lights can only last for a year due to the battery. Most of the batteries that are used in the production of these lights eventually lose their charging capacity so fast.
Fortunately, your solar lights aren’t completely dead, you can replace the battery with an even better and more power capacity be sure that the battery’s voltage and current match the one you had before.
Solar light bulbs will appear dim if the panel does not get enough sun to provide enough solar energy. Examine if shadows or shade are blocking the sunlight from entering the panel.
You can put the solar lights in the same vicinity as your regular light bulbs as you can to charge them quickly.
It’s not necessary, but you need to choose between NiMH or NiCd rechargeable AAA or AA batteries. If you are forced to use normal batteries, make sure it’s only for a couple of days until you can replace your rechargeable batteries. Utilizing alkaline batteries for a longer period will cause severe damage to the battery’s terminals.